Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chemo Eve

I think the day before chemo is really almost as bad as the treatment itself. The impending suckiness of the treatment just ruins anything good in the day. It is all I can think about. Chemo Eve gives me an instant case of Tourette's. I cuss like a sailor, taking on the most sour mood. Nobody takes it personally. They count the days left in this cancer prison just like I do. I know I will live through this, yet I wonder what the cost will be to my spirit, my relationships and my family.

Today's top bad side effect of this cancer crap...apathy. As in- frankly, my dear, I just don't... care. This is exceptionally sad in my case, as I have always been proud of my advocacy. The pre-cancer Anna expended so much energy on her kids, her career, her social and political causes. That old Anna would already be researching summer programs for her kids. She would be finishing her dissertation, running for school board, drilling her son on SAT vocabulary and planting her flower garden. I am a shell of that woman these days. On my lowest days, it takes all I have to get out of bed. My kids do their own laundry, make their own meals, answer their own homework questions. I go days without answering emails and texts, grateful for people that care when I so often don't. On those days immediately after treatment, I plead to just be left alone in my dark room. It matters little to me that there is no milk or clean towels. Nothing matters.

In the beginning, I was sure I would care. I sometimes see these super polished ladies in the cancer center. They have on full makeup, dressed in their best. Their bright red lipstick outlines a super smile. I was going to be *that* woman, and yet, here I sit. I am still in the same yoga pants and fitted tshirt I wore yesterday, an outfit I purchased ironically so I could actually practice yoga and get well. Yesterday, I ate three ice cream sandwiches and a handful of potato chips. This from the girl that was going to juice her way to health. I mostly forgot how to care. Almost.

Right now I am going to find just enough energy to take a shower and put on real clothes. I have a meeting on campus this afternoon. I had originally thought I might try to shop this morning before the meeting. My kids have outgrown most of their dress clothes. Caleb has no good belts or dress shoes. I hear other mothers chatter about new Easter dresses and the like. I want to care about that, too. I want us to have new Easter outfits. Right now, I think I might have it in me to shop... as long as it is an all-in-one store with a cart...maybe Target or Marshalls. I do, however, know what is coming. I know I have chemo tomorrow. I know Sunday that I will be back in my apathy cave. Keep praying for us, folks. Pray that on Sunday, I care enough to get out of bed. Pray that I care enough to make my kids shower and put on new clothes that fit. Oh Chemo Eve...I really hate you.


  1. You definitely have the right to feel yucky and cuss like a sailor. You have a right to not feel good or feel like doing anything. I'm sure I'd be in my yoga clothes lying around in my black cave too. Maybe you should get one of those cute little boards I've seen that kids use--the one with a variety of moody faces. Then every day you can just change the mood face to how your feeling. "today I feel: 'sad', 'happy', 'grumpy', etc." - then hang it somewhere like outside your bedroom door or on the fridge. Then your family will be "warned" if its one of those crappy days.
    Hug your kids and your husband every day. On a good day, compose generic responses to emails so that on days you don't feel like writing or answering you can just copy and paste the response. Everyone who loves you knows you are going through hell. You are a very strong woman. I've been inspired by your spirit and positive attitude about kicking cancer. You can't be "up" every day.
    Anna I think about you every day, and you and your family are in my prayers.

    p.s. I love the wig...its so cute!

  2. I never went through what you're going through and dare I complain about my bad days now, after reading your words. But hey, it's ok to feel that way, Anna. This is a challenging, difficult time for you and nobody said it'd be easy. You're doing what you can. You're not superwoman. Let the others dress up, put make up... you are YOU, and without hair or makeup you are still loved my so many people. We never quit loving you and never will. Even in your crabbiest, most cussing and revolting days. It's ok. It won't last forever. I know it sucks now, I can only imagine. This too shall pass. Love you.
