Friday, February 3, 2012

Mastectomy Hangover, Part II

I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. They did take the pain purse away. The nurse just pulled that tubing out like she was pulling dental floss. One side came out fine, but the tubing on the other side got hung up on something in my chest. I could feel it all coiled up in my boob patty. I was very snappy with the nurse. Poor thing went and got the doctor who charmed that tube right on out, thank the Lord. So the pain system is out and I aint missed it one bit. The drains, however, and that tubing are still attached to me. At first I was disappointed because I really am sick of looking at my boob spaghetti sauce and hauling around an external plumbing system, but after the pain tube trauma, I now know that removing that drain system is going to hurt like hell and I need a bigger warning (and a couple of valium) before I endure that. They won't pull the drains until I am exporting less than 30mLs in 24 hours for two days straight. Currently, I am logging in at 50 or more.

As long as those 'blood grenades" are there (thanks for the term, Ranny), I can't shower and that really, really, really sucks. Ken set up the pool lounger system again today and washed my hair. He also gave me a sponge bath. Poor washing, bathing, and emptying blood. I bet past items on the hubby to-do list are looking better now.

On the up side, my plastic surgeon, Dr. K, was able to add more saline to my expander packs. Meaning- I have little boobs! She said I was healing well and looking good. They will add more and more each time until I am expanded enough for the implants.

I am super disappointed in my breast doc. I thought she and I shared something. She gave me the pink shirted teddy bear and in recovery, she kept her cold doctor hands on my burning forehead to keep my cool. She always rubbed my arm in conversation and she freaking removed my cancer. What happened, Dr. D? You said you'd call as soon as you knew the results of the path report from surgery. You said it would be about a week. Well, guess what? It has been a week and I need to know if you got it all. I need to know if those lymph nodes are cancer free. I need to know if this is over. I have watched my phone all day. Please call. I feel like a teenager...wearing my training bra and sitting by the phone.


  1. I am just so amazed by you!! You have so much strength! I miss hanging out with you and your wittiness!! Praying here in NC! Maybe one day I can talk Steve into a road trip!! Lots 'o love!!!!

  2. Anna, keep writing, not only to update all of us, but also to help you deal with this phase post-op. It helps organize your thoughts and deal with the challenges. I am so encouraged to read all that you have gone through, and I think you have handled everything beyond what I could ever dreamed someone would. I wish the nurse had been a bit more delicate when she pulled your tubes out. You have all the right to be more than grumpy. I hope the Dr. will call you as soon as possible to let you know what's next. And I am so touched everytime you write about your husband and mom helping you in such a tender way. It really warms my heart. :) Are you getting your appetite back some? I was wondering what kinds of food you would prefer having, as I stuck down Strogonoff for next Friday. I am not sure if you will be able to eat it, or make you sick. Please let me know, I can cook something else so you won't get nauseated perhaps. Sending a big hug to you and your family. :)

  3. You know I work in a pathology lab....some pathologists are WAY more thorough (meaning slower) than others....and there are tests they run that help the doc decide the best treatment.....really can't believe they haven't given you a preliminary report....hang in there and keep healing :). Tracy

  4. Oh I know you need to know! I can't imagine how agonizing and frustrating it is to wait for that call. I don't suppose you heard from later in the day today? Hoping she confirms the good vibes you already got from her. I'm so glad to hear you're doing okay w/o the pain purse, but sorry the drains have to stay longer. Ugh. It'll be awesome to get rid of those. Congrats on being ready for more saline. Great progress. One day at a time. You're doing so well. How are the boys? Are your parents still around? ((HUGS))) to all. Thinking of you guys every day.

  5. Anna, I'm sitting here reading and thinking you have the most grace and courage of anyone I know. You are something!


  6. My friend, I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I have been thinking about you and praying, sending positive energy your way. I know this is over! Dr. will call and then we will celebrate! you are doing a fabulous job! how are the boys? ken? You are doing fabulous!!!

  7. Anna, I must agree on writing a book about this experience. You have the talent for writing. Give Ken a hug from me for being such a great nursing hubby. Stay the strong, positive person you are and from the posts up here; you have a strong and positive support base too. We are all here for you! Love and hugs to all.
