Saturday, February 11, 2012

But Doctor...I'm a lover not a fighter.

Turns out that I didn't imagine that Dr. D and I had a bond. She did want to be my hero, and I knew as soon as she sat down with my folder yesterday why she never called. I get why she waited to tell me the results of the surgical biopsies in person. I get it and not only do I forgive her, I love her for it. I love her for placing the report in my lap and immediately hugging me. I love her for sighing "Oh Anna." I wanted her to be my hero, too.
When she removed my breasts, Dr. D took six lymph nodes. The report placed in my lap yesterday just as clear as day read that 5 of the 6 were benign, but one single node, one traitor of a node, tested positive for metastatic carcinoma, and "metastatic" is a word I never ever wanted to see. It means I still have cancer. It means they didn't get it all, and now that there is this little piece that got away, I have to engage in chemical warfare with my body. Now that this spooky stuff has invaded my lymphatic system, Dr. D so sweetly told me that she can't cut it out. I am now placing my trust in the next hero, an oncologist, who will develop the chemotherapy cocktail to save my life.
Because of my denial then anger then tears, I was immediately led into a small room after the news. They fetched Ken from the waiting room and a social worker. The social worker was a cancer survivor and she worked her magic, a magic that only someone who has been through it can do. She explained how chemo will work, how I may be nauseous but they have medicine to help, how I will definitely be tired but could work part-time, how my hair would go, how it won't be forever and the hair grows back. She showed us photos of herself in various wigs, some cheap, some not. She looked great by the way. She explained that I probably wanted to get my hair cut pixie style short pretty soon, get accustomed to seeing myself differently, and then, yes, I would want to buzz it eventually. She told me where to shop for wigs and gave me brochures for support groups. I left her with hope but still in a fog. I left in a hope fog.
I won't lie. Last night was tough, but today, I am okay. It isn't bravery that gets me through this crap. It isn't inspiration or even my faith (forgive me, God). I tell you what gets me laughing in the face of this disease...two boys, ages 10 and 12, and a man that vowed to love me in sickness and in health. We have a great family. I am not even joking. You'll be jealous when I describe how happy we are, how we get the best of everything without even trying, and damn if I am going to spoil that for them. To see them smile is all the ammunition I need to fight. I might wear a big, bright pink Britney Spears style wig during this. I just might do that, but please don't say I am brave. Don't comment how positive I am because sometimes I am not. What I am is a good damn mom. I am, and I am a pretty big partier. I have no intention of letting cancer rain on my parade. Watch me come out of this with better boobs, skinnier and an awesome wig collection...and no cancer. I know that's what will happen because things just work out for me like that. Don't be a hater.
I meet with my oncologist a week from Monday. Bring it. Meanwhile, I still have these damn drains.


  1. So sorry to hear that, Mrs. Anna. But you are right, you will come out of this just fine - and with a great set of knockers to boot! lol! Now you know purple is my favorite color... You are gonna have to get a cute little purple pixie wig and post a pic for me!

  2. God bless you Anna! You have my prayers and my thoughts - you WILL beat this!! If you won't let me call you brave or positive, then I will call you courageous!!

  3. What a great family! Sounds like just the medicine needed to get through all of this. For what it's worth, even outside of your family, you have a lot of us cheering for you :)

  4. Anna, you are truly fabulous. Glad to know you, glad you are willing to share your journey, and delighted to know you have the spirit of a warrior. Giant hugs to you...hope I don't bump the tubes.

  5. You are a lover as much as you are a fighter!! And you are going to come out of this whole thing victorious! I am on team Anna all the way to the finish line and she'll come in first place because she is a fighter and a winner!

  6. I really am having a tough time, and really don't know what to say.....all I can say is that I Love You and Love Your Family.....
    and wish that I could do something....I will pray and try to understand why bad things happened to the Good people....
    Please keep fighting....I have had two very spiritual girlfriends of mine whose cancer went into remission.....


  7. Anna, you may not be brave (or at least think you're not), but you are loved and adored--by your boys at home and by all of us out here, sending thoughts and prayers your way. You can count on me for partying support, knitted items (just tell me what you want!), and food (say when and what!). Love you! Kitty

  8. Anna, you are amazing whether you know it or not. So is your family. I may not be at work any longer, but I remember what a wonderful woman you are. You're really a good person, and you will come out on the other side of this.

  9. you keep fightin mama! kiss all 3 of those boys and tell them that the warren family loves all of ya'll! we want to plan a party with you guys REALLY soon...oh and shawn told me to tell you that he wants you to tell people that he shaved his head b/c of you (not due to the baldness)!!! i love you! xoxo

  10. Girl, you are the best! You will be just fine, and I know that you are a good mom and have a wonderful family. If you need us...we will pack our NC butts in the car and be on our way. But it sounds like you are well taken care of. Bigs hugs to you all and prayers for a speedy recovery!

  11. :'( ...prayers sent your way. I think of you often.

  12. Just had to share one more post on here we have to type something to "prove you're not a robot"....the word was "invincible".... I thought that appropriate for you and your war against the big c.
